
Lucid Trees

On the subway today I was yelled at by a black man missing his 2 front teeth. My iPod was blaring against the clickity-clack of the train so I actually have no clue as to what he told me, all I know is that he said it very loud, and the girl sitting across from me laughed. It must have been something clever. If you're not listening to someone speak, are they still talking? Does it even matter?

I feel insignificant. I wish I had some video games to take my mind off of everything that swirls around me. I'll never be depressed as long as I'm never happy. I don't know what I'm looking for. It sucks to be myself. It kills me to think they say I'm becoming something else. Yet i feel the same, and dirty, and guilty, and alone, and needing to acknowledge that I need no approval. Brothers, sisters, orphans, and dolphins. Simple ideas require repetition. Is life here really worth saving?